Israel - Germany
86min - DCP - 1.85 - Color
Original language: Hebrew, Russian
Micha Prudovsky
Anna Dubrovitsky
Jacob Zada Daniel
Director: Pini Tavger
Script: Pini Tavger
Image: Shai Peleg
Editing: Shira Hochman
Music: Tom Armony, Assa Raviv
Producers: EsteeYacov-Mecklberg, Haim Mecklberg, Michael Eckelt
Executive Producers: Moshe Edery, Ygal Mograbi, Tomer Mecklberg, Renen Schorr
Production: 2-Team Productions
Co-production: Riva Filmprduktion
Festivals & Awards
The First Prize at The Sixth Edition of Sam Spiegel International Film Lab
a film by :Pini Tavger

Pinhas asks his single mother, Tamara, to join his classmates in preparing for their Bar Mitzvahs. Tamara, an immigrant from Ukraine, who resists religion, refuses. When Shimon, the religious neighbor, volunteers to help the kid, the two form a strong bond. Gradually Tamara falls for him too. Will their romance last?
Pinhas vit seul avec sa mère Tamara, immigrée ukrainienne en Israël. A 13 ans, il voudrait faire sa Bar Mitzvah avec ses camarades de classe, mais sa mère refuse. Shimon, leur voisin, très religieux, lui propose de l’aider à la préparer en secret. Tamara découvre le subterfuge et rencontre Shimon. Malgré leurs différences, ils tombent amoureux l’un de l’autre. Auront-ils le droit de s’aimer ?