30min - 35mm - Color - 1.33 - Comedy drama
Original language :French
Alain Beigel
Olivier Py
Eric Bonicatto
Laure Mana
Myriem Roussel
Sascha Rau
Director: Jacques Maillot
Screenplay : Jacques Maillot
Image: François Paumard
Editing: Frédéric Krettly
Music: Frédéric Renaud
Producer: Laurent Bénégui
Festivals & Awards
Cannes 1994
Cinémas en France - Jean Vigo Prize 1994 - Best Short Film
A bottle of wishes
75 centilitres de prière
a film by :Jacques Maillot
Friends are playing weird wishes games but, they could bring themselves ahead that way...
French Synopsis :
Comment un drôle de jeu autour d'une bouteille va bouleverser une soirée entre amis et amener chacun à se révéler.