88min - 35 mm - Color - 1.85 - DTS - Drama
Original language :French
Lola Naymark
Ariane Ascaride
Marie Felix
Thomas Laroppe
Arthur Quehen
Jacky Berroyer
Producer : Alain Benguigui
Co-producer : Bertrand Van Effenterre
Co-production Company : Mallia Films
Director: Eléonore Faucher
Screenplay : Eléonore Faucher et Gaëlle Macé
Director of photography : Pierre Cottereau
Sound : François Guillaume
Music : Michael Galasso
Editing : Joële Van Effenterre
Costumes : Pascaline Suty
Set : Philippe Van Herwijnen
Festivals & Awards
2004 :
Cannes Film Fest Critics' Week Grand Prize
New Horizons Film Fest in Poland
Toronto Film Fest
Rio Film Fest
Films by the Sea Netherlands
Ghent Film FestPusan
Int'l Film Fest London
Int'l Film Fest
Tubingen Film Fest Audience Prize France
Cinema in Florence Grand Prize
Cinefrancia Saragosse Audience Prize
French Film Fest UK
European Film Fest in Budapest
Jakarta Film Fest
Seville Film Fest In Competition
Thessaloniki Film Fest
2005 :
New Directors/New Films in NYC
Tetouan FF
Istanbul FF
2006 :
Bangkok FF
Helsinki IFF
A Common Thread
a film by :Eléonore Faucher
When Claire learns that she is five months pregnant at the tender age of 17, she decides to give birth anonymously. She finds refuge with Madame Melikian, an embroiderer for haute couture designers. And, day by day, stitch by stitch, as Claire's belly grows rounder, the threads of embroidery create a filial bond between them.
Quand, du haut de ses 17 ans, Claire apprend qu’elle est enceinte de cinq mois, elle décide d’accoucher sous X. C’est chez Mme Melikian, brodeuse à façon pour la haute couture, qu’elle trouve refuge. Et jour après jour, point après point, à mesure que le ventre de Claire s’arrondit, se transmet entre elles deux, plus que l’art de la broderie, celui de la filiation.