90min - 35mm - 1.66 - Color - Documentary
Original language: French
Henri Rouquier
Maria Rouquier
Roger Malet
Marius Benaben
Director: George Rouquier
Screenplay : Georges Rouquier, Maria Signorini-Rouquier
Image: André Villard
Music: Yves Gilbert
Producer: Marie-Françoise Mascaro
Executive producer: Bertrand van Effenterre (Mallia Films)
Festivals & Awards
Venice 1983 - Grand jury Prize
a film by :Georges Rouquier
38 years later, Roch and Berthe are still living at Farrebique. As his grand father had foretold, Raymond has taken over running the farm. But the times have changed and the farms in the area have been transformed : specialization, mass production, industrilization. At Biquefarre, Raoul wants to sell out ; his land holdings are too small and he doesn't want to get into running a meat factory. Round about, the neighbours are cast envious eyes upon this little plot of land which would allow them to increase their family holdings. And of course, Raoul's nearest neighbours are at the head of the line : the farm of Farrebique. Raoul waits and watches the bids go up.
38 ans après. A Farrebique, Roch et Berthe sont toujours là. Comme l'avait prévu le vieux père, c'est Raymond qui a repris la ferme. Mais les temps ont changé et aux environs les fermes se transforment : spécialisation, élevage en batterie, industrialisation. A Biquefarre, Raoul veut vendre ; sa terre est trop petite et il n'a pas envie de faire de l'élevage en batterie. Aux alentours, chacun guigne ce petit lopin de terre qui permettrait d'agrandir le patrimoine. Et, bien sûr, en tête, les plus proches voisins de Raoul : la ferme de Farrebique. Raoul laisse monter les enchères.