Taiwan - France
85min - 35 mm - Color - 1.85 - Dolby SRD - Drama
Original language :Chinese
From the collection Tales of Changing China
Chen Bo-Lin
Guey Lun-Mei
Liang Shu-Hui
Joanna Chou
Director: Yee Chih-Yen
Producer : Peggy Chiao
Production Company : Arc Light Films
Co-producer : Fabienne Vonier
Co-production Company : Pyramide Productions
Screenplay : Yee Chih-Yen
Director of photography : Chien Hsiang
Sound : Tu Duu-Chih
Music : Chris Hou
Editing : Liao Ching-song
Set : Hsia Shao-yu
Festivals & Awards
2002 :
Cannes 2002-Directors'Fortnite
Seattle Film Fest
Asian Competition Cambridge Film Fest
Toronto Film Fest
Vancouver Film Festival
Film From South in Norway
Washington Gay & Lesbian Film Fest
Bratislava Film Festival
Sao Paulo Film Fest Competition New Filmaker
2003 :
Adelaid Gay & Lesbian Film Fest
Washington DC film Fest
Barcelona Asian Film Fest
Oslo Gay and Lesbian Fest
Melbourne Film Fest Espoo
Cine Finland
Black Night Fest in Estonia
Ljubljana Gay & Lesbian Fest
a film by :Yee Chih-Yen
Meng is a 17 year-old high school student who often laments that she is no longer a carefree soul. She is been carrying one secret for too many years. One day, she decides to unburden her secret on Zhang, a fellow 17 year old. Zhang, a blithe spirit, is the guileless one. His two dearest wishes are to win the swimming championship and to become Meng's sweetheart. He is so utterly unprepared for what she is about to tell him. Meng's secret scorches them both. The two teenagers have tasted adulthood.
Meng est une jeune lycéenne de 17 ans qui regrette souvent l'insouciance de son enfance. Elle porte en elle un secret depuis trop longtemps. Un jour, elle se décide à le dévoiler à Zhang, un jeune garçon de son âge. Zhang est un jeune homme gai et loyal. Ses deux souhaits les plus chers sont de gagner le championnat de natation pour son école et de devenir l'amoureux de Meng. Mais il n'est pas du tout préparé à ce qu'elle va lui révéler. Le secret de Meng les fera souffrir, les deux adolescents vont goûter à l'âge adulte.