80min - Color - Drama
Original language: French
Samuel Churin
Olivier Py
Director: Olivier PY
Script: Olivier PY
Image: Luc Pagès
Editing: Lise Beaulieu
Producers: Jacques Fansten (TELECIP PRODUCTIONS), Philippe Martin (LES FILMS PELLEAS)
Festivals & Awards
2000 : Locarno International Film Festival
Golden Leopard Award of the video selection
a film by :Olivier Py
Olivier loves Vincent but Vincent is haunted by the ghost of his past. A chance meeting. Olivier is a man of the theater, tinged with fantasies. Vincent is obsessed with air crashes. His job is to decipher day after day the planes’ “ black boxes “. This mysterious and strange job has driven him into a contemplative self-absorption from which nothing can distract him. Olivier seeks to bring him back to life. Their relationship, intense and brief, goes beyond all traditional love stories. One day, Vincent brings out the flight recorder to listen to his father’s last words, a pilot who died in a plane crash…
Olivier aime Vincent, mais Vincent est prisonnier de son passé. Olivier est un homme de théâtre, empreint d'un univers onirique. Vincent est hanté par les catastrophes aériennes enregistrées sur les boîtes noires qu'il décrypte chaque jour. Ce métier méconnu et étrange le plonge dans une contemplation dont rien ne l'extrait. Olivier voudrait lui rendre la vie. Leur relation, intense et brève, dépasse le cadre des amours habituelles. Un jour, Vincent se procure la boîte noire qui lui permet d'entendre les dernières paroles de son père, pilote mort dans un accident d'avion.