
90min - 35mm - 1.33 - Drama - Color

Original language: French


Elodie Bouchez

Roschdy Zem

Béatrice Dalle



Director: Yolande Zauberman

Image: Denis Lenoir

Editing: François Gédigier

Music: Philippe Cohen-Solal

Production companies: Madar Productions, La Sept Cinéma, Meteor Film Productions

Festivals & Awards

Berlin 1997 - Forum

Clubbed to death

a film by :Yolande Zauberman

It is summertime. Lola is twenty. One night she falls asleep in a bus, gets lost and finds herself in an alien world immersed in music. Emir lives there. He is passionate with his brother and fraternal with the woman he loves.Saïda only has Emir and everything is lacking for her, even Emir. Ismaël is as close to this brother as he is to their childhood. To delay their separation, he is willing to invent dangerous games. It is the story of these solitary lives which rub shoulders and are recomposed in the excess of dancing and the pleasure of being in a trance. Due to her desire for Emir, Lola exposes her body - and unintentionally the bodies of the others - to a forgotten warmth. The warmth is painful to their frozen skin but brings them back to life.

French Synopsis :

Lola, vingt ans, s'endort une nuit dans un bus, se perd et se retrouve dans un monde domine par la musique hip-hop. Elle fait la connaissance d'Emir, de sa petite amie Saida et de son frere Ismael. Lola tombe amoureuse d'Emir et le desir qu'elle eprouve pour lui va tout faire basculer.


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