109min - 35 mm/DCP - Scope - Color - Dolby SRD - Drama
Original language :Russian
Andrey Smirnov
Nadezhda Markina
Elena Lyadova
Alexey Rozin
Evgenia Konushkina
Director: Andrey Zvyagintsev
Producer : Alexander Rodnyansky & Sergey Melkumov
Production Company : NON STOP PRODUCTION
Screenplay : Oleg Negin & Andrey Zvyagintsev
Director of photography : Mikhail Krichman
Editing : Anna Mass
Festivals & Awards
2011 :
Cannes - Un Certain Regard - Special Jury Prize
Art Film Fest in Slovakia
Karlovy Vary IFF
Durban IFF - Best Director - Best Actress - Best Cinematography
Wellington & Auckland IFF
Melbourne IFF
Helsinki IFF
Haifa IFF
Co-winner of the FEDEORA Competition
Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
Toronto IFF - Contemporary World Cinema
Vancouver IFF
Sao Paulo IFF
Ghent IFF Grand Prize for Best Film
Festival Nouveau Cinema Montreal Best actress : Nadezhda Markina
Les films de Cannes a Bucarest
Cottbus Film Festival
London IFF
Abu Dhabi IFF
Sevilla Film Festival Best actress:NADEZHDA MARKINA
London Russian Film Fest
International Film Festival of India-Goa
Chennai IFF
Kerala IFF
Around the World in 14 films - Berlin Asian Pacific Screen Awards Best Actress :Nadezhda Markina High Commendation to Andrey Zviagintsev
2012 :
Tromso IFF
Winner of -Aurora prize for Best film -Fipresci Award
Trieste Film Festival
Dublin IFF
Glasgow Film Festival
Harvest IFF UB city, India
Mosaico IFF in Ravena
Crossing europe IFF linz
Der neue Heimatfilm in Munich
Fünf Seen IFF
a film by :Andrey Zvyagintsev

Elena and Vladimir are an older couple, they come from different backgrounds. Vladimir is a wealthy and cold man, Elena comes from a modest milieu and is a docile wife. They have met late in life and each one has children from previous marriages. Elena’s son is unemployed, unable to support his own family and he is constantly asking Elena for money. Vladimir’s daughter is a careless young woman who has a distant relationship with her father. A heart attack puts Vladimir in hospital, where he realizes that his remaining time is limited. A brief but somehow tender reunion with his daughter leads him to make an important decision: she will be the only heiress of his wealth. Back home he announces it to Elena. Her hopes to financially help her son suddenly vanish. The shy and submissive housewife then comes up with a plan to give her son and grandchildren a real chance in life.
Elena et Vladimir forment un couple d’un certain âge. Ils sont issus de milieux sociaux différents. Vladimir est un homme riche et froid, Elena une femme modeste et docile. Ils se sont rencontrés tard dans la vie et chacun a un enfant d’un précédent mariage. Le fils d’Elena, au chômage, ne parvient pas à subvenir aux besoins de sa propre famille et demande sans cesse de l’argent à sa mère. La fille de Vladimir est une jeune femme négligente, un peu bohème, qui maintient son père à distance. Suite à un malaise cardiaque, Vladimir est hospitalisé. A la clinique, il réalise qu’il pourrait mourir prochainement. Un moment bref mais tendre, partagé avec sa fille le conduit à une décision importante : c’est elle qui héritera de toute sa fortune. De retour à la maison, Vladimir l’annonce à Elena. Celle-ci voit soudain s’effondrer tout espoir d’aider financièrement son fils. La femme au foyer timide et soumise élabore alors un plan pour offrir à son fils et ses petits-enfants une vraie chance dans la vie.