Israel - Germany - France - Romania
103min - 35 mm / DCP - Color - 1.85 - Dolby SRD - Drama
Original language : Hebrew, English & Romanian
Mark Ivanir
Guri Alfi
Noah Silver
Rozina Cambo
Julian Negulesco
Bogdan Stanoevitch
Director: Eran Riklis
Based on the novel by A.B. Yehoshua
Production Company : 2 TEAM PRODUCTIONS
Co-producer : Haim Mecklberg, Estee Yacov-Mecklberg, Elie Meirovitz, Thanassis Karathanos, Karl Baumgartner, Tudor Giurgiu, Talia Kleinhendler
Co-production Company : Pallas Film, EZ Films, Hai Hui Entertainment, Pie Films
Screenplay : Noah Stollman
Director of photography : Rainer Klausmann
Sound : Ashi Milo, Gil Toren, Holger Lehmann
Music : Cyril Morin
Editing : Tova Asche
Festivals & Awards
2010 :
Locarno IFF - Official Selection - Piazza Grande - Audience's Award
Toronto IFF - Contemporary World Cinema
Kerala IFF
2011 :
Hong Kong IFF
Istanbul IFF
Split IFF
Festival du cinéma de La Foa
Jewish Film Festival Caracas
Singapore IFF
Israel Film Festival in Singapore
Warsaw Jewish Film Fest Best Narrative Feature Best screenplay

The Human Resources Manager of Jerusalem's largest bakery is in trouble. He's separated from his wife, distanced from his daughter and stuck in a job he hates. When one of his employees, a foreign worker, is killed in a suicide bombing and the bakery is accused of inhumanity and indifference, the HR Manager is sent on a mission to make things right. As the facts unfold he embarks on a complex journey, beginning in the mystical streets of Jerusalem and continuing in a frozen Post-Soviet country. The Manager finds himself leading an awkward convoy to the dead woman's village including her rebellious son, a pesky journalist determined to ruin him, a quirky consul, an old veteran driver and a coffin. Far from home, on a mission to honor a woman he didn't even know but has somehow grown to admire, the HR Manager rediscovers his own humanity and his ability to truly care for human resources.
Rien ne va plus pour le Directeur des Ressources Humaines de la plus grande boulangerie de Jérusalem : il s’est séparé de sa femme, sa fille le boude et il est empêtré dans un boulot qu’il déteste.
Suite à la mort accidentelle d’une de ses employées, la boulangerie est accusée d’inhumanité et d’indifférence par un quotidien local. Le DRH est alors envoyé en mission pour redorer l’image de l’entreprise.
C’est le début d’un périple qui l'entraîne des rues mystiques de Jérusalem à la glaciale Roumanie, à la recherche du village de Yulia, cette femme qu’il ne connaissait pas mais qu’il apprend petit à petit à admirer.
A la tête d’un convoi chaotique, entre le fils de la défunte, en révolte contre tous, un exaspérant journaliste, une consule excentrique et un encombrant cercueil, le DRH retrouve son humanité et sa vraie capacité à s’occuper des « ressources humaines ».