85min - 35 mm - 1.85 - Color - Autobiographical fiction
Original language :French
Director: Alain Cavalier, in collaboration with Françoise Widhoff
Producer : Michel Seydoux
Production Company : CAMERA ONE
Co-producer : Fabienne Vonier
Co-production Company : PYRAMIDE PRODUCTIONS
In Coproduction with ARTE France Cinema
Festivals & Awards
2009 :
Cannes Film Fest - Official Selection - Un Certain Regard
New Horizons-Poland in Competition
cinema digital seoul FF
Doc Buenos Aires FF
Vancouver IFF
Festival du Nouveau Cinema de Montréal
French Film Fest in BAM
Haifa IFF
Viennale Denver IFF
Sao Paulo IFF
Megabox Euro Film Festival in Seoul
Panorama of European Cinema in Athens
Bratislave IFF
2010 :
National Gallery of Art in D.C.
Las Palmas IFF Silver Lady Harimaguada for second best feature
Les Ecrans du réel Beyrouth
Hong kong IFF
City of lights, City of Angels French Film Fest in los Angeles
Guadalajara IFF
Vision du Réel IFF in Switzerland
It's All True IFF in Sao Paulo & Rio
Boston French Film Festival
International documentary festival in Chili
French Cinema Now! in San Francisco
2011 :
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
European Film Fest in Bucarest
a film by :Alain Cavalier with the collaboration of Françoise Widhoff

Irène and the filmmaker. A powerful relationship but full of gray areas. Irène disappears. A private journal left behind resurfaces years later. A freshness. An attraction. A danger. How to make a film?
Irène et le cinéaste. Relation forte et en même temps pleine d’ombres. Irène disparaît. Reste un journal intime retrouvé des années après. Une fraîcheur. Une attirance. Un danger. Comment faire un film ?