90min - DCP - 1.85 - Color - Documentary
Original language: French
Directors: Daniel & Emmanuel Leconte
Image: Pierre Isnardon, Damien Girault, Edouard Kruch
Editing: Grégoire Chevalier-Naud
Producer: Daniel Leconte (FILM EN STOCK)
Executive producer: Raphael Cohen
Festivals & Awards
Toronto International Film Festival - TIFF Docs
Rio International Film Festival
Hong Kong French Film Festival
Danish Film Institute Special Screening
Atlanta Jewish Film Fesitval
Goteborg Intl Film Festival
London DocHouse
New Jersey Jewish Film Festival
Alliance Française de Phon Phen
In Light Human Rights Documentary Film Festival USA
BAFICI Buenos Aires Intl Film Festival

On the 7th of January 2015, French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo was the victim of a terrorist attack that killed 12 people, including the greatest French cartoonists Cabu, Wolinski, Charb, Tignous and Honoré.
The following day a policewoman was shot dead in the street. The 9th of January, another attack targeted French Jews. Four hostages were murdered. This film pays tribute to all these victims.
Le 7 janvier 2015, l’hebdomadaire satirique Charlie Hebdo est victime d'une attaque terroriste qui coûte la vie à douze personnes dont les plus grands dessinateurs de presse français, Cabu, Wolinski, Charb, Tignous et Honoré. Le lendemain, une policière est tuée dans la rue. Le 9 janvier, une nouvelle attaque vise des juifs de France. Quatre otages sont assassinés. Ce film est un hommage à toutes ces victimes.