France - Germany - Qatar
85min - Documentary
Original language: French, Dari
Director: Sonia Kronlund
Script: Sonia Kronlund
Image: Alexander Nanau, Eric Guichard
Editing: Sophie Brunet
Producers: Laurent Lavolé (GLORIA FILMS), Mélanie Andernach (MADE IN GERMANY)
Supported by the DOHA FILM INSTITUTE
Festivals & Awards
Special Mention from the First Feature Jury
Life Tales Award (Qurban Ali Afzali)
Fiumicino Film Festival
Best documentary
Cannes Film Festival - Director's fortnight
Biografilm Festival, Italy
Munich Intl Film Festival
Jerusalem Intl Film Festival
Odessa international film festival
Locarno Film Festival
New Horizons Intl Film Festival, Poland
Melbourne Intl Film Festival
Helsinki Intl Film Festival
Fanstatic Fest Austin USA
Reykjavik Intl Film Festival
Bergen Intl Film Festival
Mill Valley Film Festival USA
Mumbai Film Festival
Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest
London BFI
Tõrva Dokfest, Estonia
Tokyo International Film Festival
Minsk International Film Festival "Listapad"
Taipei Golden Horse FF
Films From the South Oslo – Documentary Competition
RIDM Rencontres internationales du documentaire à Montréal
Clique Film Festival in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Special screening in Luxembourg
Gijon Film Festival - Competition
Tallin Black Nights Film Festival
BAFF Bruxelles Art Film Festival – Closing Film
Umeå European Film Festival
Dubai International Film Festival
ÍRÁN:CI, the festival of Iranian films in Czech Republic
Pune International Film Festival, India
ZagrebDox - International Documentary Film Festival
One World Festival Prague
Beldocs Film Festival, Serbia
Istanbul Intl Film Festival
COLCOA French Film Festival Los Angeles
Special screning at Oxville Cinema in Amsterdam
Transilvania Cluj Film Festival
Sydney International Film Festival
Aichi Int'l Women's Film Festival in Japan
6th Duhok International Film Festival in Irak
a film by :Sonia Kronlund

About a hundred kilometers away from Kabul, Salim Shaheen, the most popular and prolific actor-director-producer in Afghanistan, comes to show some of his 110 films and to shoot the 111th in the process.
He has brought with him his regular troupe of actors, each more eccentric and out of control than the next. That trip is an opportunity for us to get to know Shaheen, a real movie buff who has been making Z movies tirelessly for more than thirty years in a country at war. Nothingwood is the story of a man who spends his life making his childhood dreams come true.
À une centaine de kilomètres de Kaboul, Salim Shaheen, l'acteur-réalisateur-producteur le plus populaire et prolifique d’Afghanistan, est venu projeter quelques-uns de ses 110 films et tourner le 111ème au passage. Ce voyage dans lequel il a entraîné sa bande de comédiens, tous plus excentriques et incontrôlables les uns que les autres, est l'occasion de faire la connaissance de cet amoureux du cinéma, qui fabrique sans relâche des films de série Z dans un pays en guerre depuis plus de trente ans. Nothingwood livre le récit d’une vie passée à accomplir un rêve d’enfant.