90min - 35 mm - 1.85 - Color - Drama
Original language :French
Olivier Gourmet
Marie-Josée Croze
Bertille Noël-Bruneau
Marisa Borini
Yves Jacques
Director: Jean-Pierre Denis
Producer : Catherine Dussart
Production Company : CDP
Co-production Company : Rhône-Alpes Cinema / France 2 Cinéma
Screenplay : Jean-Pierre Denis and Yvon Rouve
Adapted from the novel "La petite chartreuse" by Pierre Péju (Gallimard Publishing)
Director of photography : Benoît Dervaux
Sound : Ludovic Henault & Thomas Gauder
Music : Michel Portal
Editing : Marie-Hélène Dozo
Costumes : Nathalie Lecoultre
Set : Bruno Margery
Festivals & Awards
2005 :
San Francisco FF
French Film Fest in Stockholm
French Film Fest in London
Munich FF
Galway FF
Cervino FF
Tubingen French FF
Cinemania Sotto Di Ciotto
French Film Fest tour in Australia
a film by :Jean-Pierre Denis
Etienne, a bookstore owner with an outstanding memory, is a loner with two passions in life – literature and mountains. But one day he accidentally runs over eight-year-old Eva. Finding himself between Eva and Pascale, the young mother, who is unable to cope with her responsibilities, Etienne, the “story teller”, surrogate father, is going to achieve the miracle of Prince Charming….
Etienne Vollard, un libraire passionné de montagne et doué d’une mémoire hors du commun, mène une existence plutôt solitaire jusqu'au jour où il renverse accidentellement Eva, une fillette de huit ans. Entre Eva, au chevet de laquelle il se retrouve et Pascale, la jeune mère incapable de faire face, Etienne, le « raconteur d’histoires, » père de substitution, va accomplir le miracle du prince charmant.