104min - 35mm - 1.85 - Color - Biography
Original language : French
Klaus Maria Brandauer
Johanna Ter Steege
Jean-Philippe Ecoffey
Romane Bohringer
Barbara Schultz
Director: Charles Matton
Screenplay : Charles & Sylvie Matton
Image: Pierre Dupouey
Editing: François Gédigier
Music: Nicolas Matton
Producer: Humber Balsan (Ognon Pictures)
a film by :Charles Matton
As a great artist who brooked no compromise, Rembrandt van Rijn experienced fame and fortune, bankruptcy and personal tragedy. Famous by the time he was thirty, he married the beautiful Saskia and, within ten years, lost her, just as his fortunes were beginning to decline. The fashion of the day was all bright colours and a light touch. Rembrandt pursued a different vein, working heavy shadows into thick whorls of oil. Indifferent to propriety, he took his women from among his servants and found his friends outside polite society. Until one day, the great and the good of Amsterdam set out to punish the man whose genius they had once so loudly proclaimed.
Rembrandt van Rijn connut la gloire et les chagrins, la fortune et la ruine d'un grand artiste qui toujours refusa les compromissions. Célèbre à 30 ans, époux comblé de la belle Saskia, il perd sa femme 10 ans plus tard, alors que sa disgrâce a commencé. Le goût du jour réclame couleurs et légèreté : Rembrandt s'obstine dans une peinture d'ombres et d'empâtements. Indifférent aux convenances, il choisit ses femmes parmi ses servantes et ses relations hors de la " bonne société ". Jusqu'au jour où les notables d'Amsterdam décident de châtier celui qu'ils avaient porté aux nues.