90min - 35mm / HD - 1.66 - Color - Drama
Original language: French
Agnès Klein
Mark Saporta
Sylvia Haunetto
Corinne Debonnière
Director: Philippe Faucon
Screenplay: Philippe Faucon, William Karel
Image: Thomasz Cichawa
Editing: Christian Dior (II)
Producer: Humbert Balsan (Ognon Pictures)
Festivals & Awards
Venice 1992 - Critics' Week
a film by :Philippe Faucon

Between July 1989 and M ay 1990, a young 32-year-old woman keeps a journal of her final months. She is dying of AIDS. Through her awkward though deliberate writings, requiring every ounce of her strength, we encounter her daily struggle to survive. The thankless and bitter battle is punctuated by a determination against a mortal illness and the distress it engenders. Yet her writings never stoop to despair or indulge in self-pity. An inspiring document revealing a young and talented woman whose time on earth is too short, but who remains determined to face the inevitable with dignity. Full of pride and fear, she faces her fate and her solitude.
Entre juillet 1989 et mai 1990, une jeune femme atteinte du Sida tient le journal des derniers mois de sa vie. Au travers de ces écrits maladroits, voulus et menés avec ses dernières forces, se raconte un combat de tous les jours, âpre, acharné et épuisant contre la maladie et la détresse, mais dans lequel pourtant aucune place ne sera faite jamais ni à la complaisance, ni au désespoir.