100min - 35 mm - 1.85 - Color - Drama
Original language : French
Roschdy Zem
Rona Hartner
Karole Rocher
Pierre Berriau
Director: Christian Vincent
Production Company : AGAT FILMS & Cie
Screenplay : Christian Vincent & Ricardo Montserrat
Director of photography : Hélène Louvart
Sound : Olivier Mauvezin
Music : Philippe Cohen-Solal
Editing : Francine Sandberg
Save Me
a film by :Christian Vincent
Roubaix, North of France. Mehdi is driving around in his illegal taxi, just like he does in real life. His looser pals, all of them bone-idle, are forced to get by, stuck between welfare and lousy jobs. His only relief is casual sex with Cécile – the former girlfriend of his dead older brother. Then Agatha appears. She has crossed Europe to find the Frenchman who made her promises last winter, in Rumania. But when she sees him, he can’t even remember her name. Meanwhile Mehdi is immediatly taken by her. He decides to enlist all his friends to help her find a bed and a roof even thought his tribe is on the verge of breaking up. He is tempted to flee with her. Finally, Agatha escapes but he remains behind and fights.
Roubaix, le Nord de la France. Dans son taxi clandestin, Mehdi tourne en rond comme il tourne dans la vie. Ses copains font pareil. Pourtant, de petits boulots en petits boulots, on se débrouille. Il y a les repas tous ensemble, les bons moments à rigoler et à chanter, le dimanche ou les soirs de la semaine. Puis un jour, il y a Agatha qui débarque à Roubaix, venue d’ailleurs, de la Roumanie, pour voir « comment c’est la France » et qui trouve Roubaix « formidable ». Elle est de passage, elle ne restera pas. Il faut l’aider, lui trouver un lit, un toit, de l’argent. Agatha va bousculer Mehdi et sa tribu, leur ouvrir d’autres horizons. Le temps de les sauver ?