83 mn - DCP - 1.85 - Color
Original language: French
Romain Paul
Clotilde Hesme
Grégory Gadebois
Director: Alix Delaporte
Script: Alix Delaporte, Alain Le Henry
Image: Claire Mathon
Editing: Louise Decelle
Producer: Héléne Cases (Lionceau Films)
Festivals & Awards
COLCOA Film Festival 2015 - In competition
Critics Award
Venice Intl Film Festival 2014 - In Competition
Winner of the MARCELLO MASTROIANNI AWARD for Best Young Actor (Romain Paul)
Marrakech 2014
Best Actress (Clotilde Hesme)
Venice - Official Competition
Abu Dhabi Intl Film Festival

When he first enters the Montpellier Opera House, 13 year old Victor knows nothing about music. Nor does he know his father who is there to conduct Mahler’s 6th symphony. He starts to watch him from a distance, discovering the rehearsals’ universe…
When Nadia, his mum, tells him that they have to leave their house on the beach, Victor worries. For his mother, who he believes hides something from him, but also for Luna, his Spanish neighbor, whom he has fallen in love with. Victor decides to show himself to his father for the first time…
Quand Victor, 13 ans, pousse la porte de l'opéra de Montpellier, il ne connaît rien à la musique. Il ne connaît pas non plus son père venu diriger la 6ème symphonie de Mahler. Il l’observe de loin, découvre l'univers des répétions...
Le jour où Nadia, sa mère, lui annonce qu’ils doivent quitter leur maison sur la plage, Victor s’inquiète. Pour sa mère, dont il sent qu’elle lui cache quelque chose, mais aussi pour sa relation naissante avec Luna, la voisine espagnole. Victor décide alors de se montrer pour la première fois à son père...