103min - 35 mm - 1.66 - Color - Drama
Original language : French
Géraldine Pailhas
Christopher Thompson
Julie Ferrier
Benjamin Biolay
Edith Scob
Director: Vincent Dietschy
Producer : Bruno Berthemy
Production Company : LES FILMS DU VEYRIER
Co-production Company : Rhône-Alpes Cinéma With the participation of TPS/Cinécinéma/Soficinéma 2 and with the support of PROCIREP / ANGOA-AGICOA
Screenplay : Anne Le Ny & Vincent Dietschy
Director of photography : Marc Tévanian
Sound : Jérôme Aghion
Editing : Tatjana Jankovic & Vincent Dietschy
Costumes : Valérie Denieul & Laurence Tallon
Set : Catherine Cosme
Festivals & Awards
2008 :
Rome French Film Fest
Berlin French Film Fest
Washington French Film Fest
Chicago French Film Fest
Holland French Film Fest

Alexandrine, 35, nicknamed Didine by everyone, is casually drifting through life, unlike her best friend Muriel. One day, she comes across an association providing companionship for the elderly, through which she meets a boyant young woman, a handsome man and a fierce old lady. Those encounters will compel her to finally grab on to life and find love.
Alexandrine, 35 ans, que tout le monde surnomme Didine, se laisse tranquillement porter par le courant, contrairement à sa meilleure amie Muriel. C’est ainsi qu’elle franchit un jour le seuil d’une association d’aide aux personnes âgées où, au contact d’une adolescente extravertie, d’un homme séduisant et d’une vieille dame sans pitié, elle va s’emparer de son existence et rencontrer l’amour.