Romania - France
106min - 35 mm - 1.85 - Color - Drama
Original language : Romanian
Dorotheea Petre
Timotei Duma
Marius Stan
Marian Stoica
Director: Catalin Mitulescu
Producer : Daniel Mitulescu
Production Company : STRADA FILM
Co-producer : Philippe Martin, David Thion & In-Ah Lee
Co-production Company : Les Films Pelleas
Screenplay : Andreea Valean & Catalin Mitulescu
Director of photography : Marius Panduru
Sound : Yves-Marie Omnes & Stéphane Thiébaut
Music : Alexander Balanescu
Editing : Cristina Ionescu
Set : Daniel Raduta
Festivals & Awards
2006 :
Cannes - Official Selection - Un Certain Regard - Best Actress (Dorotheea Petre)
Jerusalem IFF
Melbourne IFF
Sarajevo IFF
Toronto IFF
Helsinki IFF
Copenhague IFF
Warsaw IFF
Valladolid (Spain) IFF
Denver IFF
Abitibi (quebec)IFF
Ljubljana IFF
Black Night FF (estonia)
Tursak History (Turkey)
2007 :
Palm Springs IFF
Trieste (It) FF
Rotterdam IFF
Goteborg IFF
Berlinale Generation section
Jakarta FF
Kristiansand FF
Hong Kong IFF
Crossing Europe FF
New European Fest (Spain)
Zlin IFF
Art Film Fest Seoul
Children Film Fest
Kolkata IFF
Tapei Golden Horse IFF
Alekino Children Film Fest (Poland)
Bursa Silk Road IFF (Turkey)
2008 :
Le Parole dello Schermo Festival in Bologn
Way I spent the end of the world (The)
a film by :Catalin Mitulescu
Bucharest 1989 – Last year of Ceausescu’s dictatorship. Eva, 17, lives with her parents and her 7 year-old brother Lalalilu. One day at school, Eva and her boyfriend Alex, accidentally break a bust of Ceausescu. They are forced to confess their crime before a disciplinary committee. Alex is protected by his father, a Party officer, but Eva is expelled from school and transferred to a reformatory establishment. There, she meets Andrei, a boy from a family of dissidents, and decides to escape Romania with him by crossing the Danube. Lalalilu is more and more convinced that Ceausescu is the main reason for Eva’s decision to leave. So, with his friends from school, he devises a plan to kill the dictator.
Bucarest, 1989 - dernière année de la dictature de Ceausescu. Eva 17 ans vit avec ses parents et son frère de 7 ans, Lalalilu. Un jour, à l'école, Eva et Alex, son amoureux, cassent accidentellement un buste de Ceausescu. Ils passent en conseil de discipline. Alex est protégé par son père, un officier du Parti, mais Eva est exclue de son école et envoyée en maison de redressement. Là, elle fait la connaissance d'Andréï, fils de dissident, avec lequel elle décide de fuir la Roumanie en traversant le Danube. Lalalilu, de plus en plus persuadé que Ceausescu est la cause de l'éloignement de sa soeur, met au point avec ses copains un plan pour tuer le dictateur.