France / Canada
Running time: 113 minutes
Format : color – 1.85 – Sound 5.1
Spoken languages : French
Félix-Antoine Duval
Solène Rigot,
Guilaine Londez,
Michel Benizri,
David Ayala
Véronique Ruggia Saura
Younès Boucif
With the participation of Bruno Raffaelli and Aloïse Sauvage
Director : Sophie Deraspe
Screenplay : Sophie Deraspe, Mathyas Lefebure
Production : Kim McCraw, Luc Déry, Élaine Hébert (micro_scope), Caroline Bonmarchand, Xenia Sulyma (Avenue B)
Image : Vincent Gonneville
Editing : Stéphane Lafleur
Artistic direction : André-Line Beauparlant
Score : Philippe Brault
Festivals & Awards
Toronto International Film Festival - Special Presentation Best Canadian Feature Film Award
Vancouver International Film Festival - Showcase
Zurich International Film Festival - Gala Premieres
Cinémania - Prix du Rayonnement Air Canada
International Film Festival of India - International Competition
French Film Festival UK

Mathyas, an aspiring writer, trades his life in Montreal as a young advertising executive for that of a shepherd in the South of France. But the road to his desired pastoral tranquillity is filled with hard work. A visit from Elise, a civil servant who boldly quit her job, gives Mathyas' quest a new direction. Together, they embark on a transhumance. Facing the challenges of the mountains, with a herd to take care of, they will forge a new life for themselves.
Sur un coup de tête, Mathyas troque sa vie de publicitaire à Montréal pour celle de berger en Provence. Il espérait trouver la quiétude, il découvre un métier éreintant et des éleveurs souvent à bout. Mais quand il rencontre Elise qui elle aussi vient de tout quitter, ils se voient confier un troupeau de 800 moutons et s’engagent dans une transhumance. Ensemble, ils vont traverser les épreuves de la montagne et se façonner une vie nouvelle.