104min - DCP - 1.85 - Color
Original language: French
Swann Arlaud
Charles Berling
Jennifer Decker
Director: Lucas Bernard
Script: Lucas Bernard
Image: Alexandre Léglise
Editing: Valentin Durning
Music: Christophe Danvin
Producer: Florian Môle (LES GRANDS ESPACES)
Festivals & Awards
Moscow International Film Festival
Festival du film francophone de Grèce
Focus on French Cinema in Greenwich USA
Braunschweig International Film Festival

Captain Beffrois is about to retire from the police. He has mixed feelings about retirement. The theft of a painting captures his attention. Is it because of the elegance and daring of the crime or the beauty of the stolen object? Beffrois goes after a very unusual thief, quite the acrobat who slips in and out, unnoticed.
Le commissaire Beffrois attend la retraite avec un enthousiasme mitigé quand un vol de tableau retient son attention. Est-ce l’élégance du procédé ? L’audace du délit ? La beauté de l’œuvre volée ? Beffrois se lance à la recherche d’un voleur atypique, véritable courant d’air, acrobate à ses heures.