82min - DCP - 1.33 - Color
Original language: French
Director: Thierry de Peretti
Screenplay: Thierry de Peretti, Benjamin Baroche
Image: Hélène Louvart
Sound: Matthieu Perrot, Vincent Pateau, Armelle Mahé
Editing: Pauline Dairou
Music: Cheveu
Producer: Igor Alexis Wojtowicz (FERRIS & BROCKMAN)
Coproducer: Fabien Danesi (STANLEY WHITE)
Festivals & Awards
Cannes 2013 - Directors' Fortnight - Competing for the Caméra d'Or
Giffoni FF
Melbourne IFF
Fresh Film Fest Czech Republic - Best film Award
St. Petersburg IFF – Special mention of the Jury
Ars Independent IFF
Reykjavík IFF
Busan IFF
Mostra International de Cinema de Sao Paolo
FIFF de Tubingen-Stuttgart
Stockholm IFF
Gijon IFF
International Film Festival of India (IFFI)
14th IFI French Film Festival
French Cine Panorama in HK
13e Festival Cinéma Méditerranéen de Bruxelles
Dubai IFF
Tromso IFF
Rotterdam IFF
Journées du Cinéma Méditerranéen à Heidelberg
Rendez vous with French cinema in New York
Titanic International Filmfest Budapest
11th IndieLisboa - Lisbon International Independent Film Festival
Crossing Europe Film Festival, Austria - Crossing Europe Award

Corsica / Extreme South / Summer: While thousands of tourists invade the beaches, camping grounds and clubs, five teenagers from Porto Vecchio hang out. One evening, one of them leads the others to an unoccupied luxury villa. They spend the night there. Before they leave, they steal some objects of no value and two prize rifles. When the house owner arrives from Paris, she complains about the theft to a small local boss she knows…
Corse / Extrême Sud / Eté : Pendant que des milliers de touristes envahissent les plages, les campings et les clubs, cinq adolescents de Porto-Vecchio trainent. Un soir, l'un d'eux conduit les quatre autres dans une luxueuse villa inoccupée. La bande y passe clandestinement la nuit. Avant de partir, ils volent quelques objets sans valeur et deux fusils de collection. Quand la propriétaire de la maison débarque de Paris, elle se plaint du cambriolage à un petit caïd local de sa connaissance.