73min - 1.85 - Color - Drama
Original language: French
Gaspard Manesse
Laurence Perrot
Sophie Gourp
Director: Christophe Chiesa
Script: Christophe Chiesa, Philippe Kastelnik
Image: Remi Mazet
Editing: Mathieu Blanc
Music: Gaspard Manesse
Producer: Philippe Martin (LES FILMS PELLEAS)
a film by :Christophe Chiesa
After five years in New York, Julie comes back to Annemasse with her baby Nina. They stay with her sister Lou in the apartment she shares with her brother Hugo. Julie finds it difficult to fit back into the town where they grew up. Lou, on the other hand, has found fulfillment with her job as town librarian, her friends, and Seydou, a guy she has just met. Somewhere in between, Hugo is still trying to find his way in life. He works in a factory and plays in a jazz band with some of his co-workers. While he idealizes Julie’s life in New York, he envies Lou’s everyday contentment. This homecoming leads each of them to open up to one another and to themselves. Although they continue down different paths to find happiness, they discover, during this easy time together, just how close they’ve remained.
A Annemasse, en Haute-Savoie, Lou, 25 ans, bibliothécaire, et Hugo, 24 ans, ouvrier, retrouvent Julie, leur sœur aînée, partie cinq ans auparavant à New York faire carrière dans le théâtre. Celle-ci revient avec Nina, son bébé, et s'adapte avec difficulté au rythme de cette petite ville. Hugo découvre sa grande soeur dont il rêvait la vie, tandis que Lou prend son retour avec simplicité, au présent, sans se poser de questions. A travers ces retrouvailles, ils réalisent qu'ils sont devenus adultes, choisissant chacun une trajectoire de vie personnelle, aspirant chacun à un bonheur différent de celui des autres.