Claire Denis

Films in our catalogue

Intruder (The)

A passionate heart: Louis Trebor’s journey describes a loop, the curve of the Earth as I imagine it. From the Jura Mountains in France to the Swiss border, from Geneva to Pusan in South Korea, and on to the South Seas. Louis Trebor lives in hiding. He (...)

Nenette et Boni

Boni, short for Boniface, is a 19 year old pizza-maker. Living in Marseille, he works at the port. Since his mother's death, Boni won't have anything to do with his father, Felix, a lampshade dealer who takes care of Boni's 15 year old sister Nénette. (...)


Claire Denis was born in Paris and raised primarily on the African continent. She studied film in France and graduated from l'Institut des Hautes Études Cinématographiques.