Flavia Castro
Films in our catalogue
In DIARIO DE UMA BUSCA (DIARY, LETTERS, REVOLUTIONS), the director tells the story of her father. Brazilian activist Celso Castro, whose life was intertwined with the political struggles that shattered Latin America starting in the 1960s. His life was a (...)
Documentaries entered her life in 1993, with Ché-Journal from Bolivia by Richard Dindo, on which she were the assistant director. She pursued the experience with Philippe Grandrieux as assistant director on a film in the favelas of Rio, Le jeu des Animaux (The animals’ game). Afterwards she continued to work on documentaries, but which enabled her to do a bit of everything, all from writing to co-directing, passing almost always by production, assistant directing, and sometimes even dealing with the sound. Lettres et révolutions (Diario de uma busca) opened in France in 2011.