91min - Color - Comedy
Original language: French
Emmanuel Mouret
Marie Gilain
Dolores Chaplin
Director: Emmanuel Mouret
Script: Emmanuel Mouret, Djibril Glissant
Image: Aurélien Devaux
Editing: Sarah Turoche
Music: David Hadjadj, Jérôme Rebotier
Producers: Philippe Martin, David Thion (LES FILMS PELLEAS)
Festivals & Awards
Karlovy Vary
Dublin fest
Tapei Film Fest
Cinefranco Toronto
a film by :Emmanuel Mouret
Lucie and Lucien, both in their mid-twenties, have been living together for many years. Lucie sales bath suits on the beaches of Marseilles. Lucien, while he was taking the French police academy entrance exam, has been selected as secret agent. To hide his new position, even to his closest family and friends, he must acts as a dilettante and a hedonist. His first test : a young unexperienced beauty, Jennifer, who thinks he is the perfect man for taking care of her sensual initiation. As for Lucy, she's concerned not only by the fact that Lucien has suddenly become a dilettante but also by a sensual recurring dream with someone else which wakes her up each night. Following the advice of a renewed psychologist, she wants to create a more sincere relationship with Lucien by telling all the truth.
Lucie, une vendeuse de maillots de bain sur les plages de Marseille, aimerait que son petit ami Lucien, devienne aussi son meilleur ami. Mais pour cela, il faut se dire la vérité. Pour Lucien, apprenti agent secret devant se faire passer pour un dillettante aux yeux de tous, cela est impossible. Encore plus impossible lorsqu'une jeune beauté va lui demander de l'initier aux plaisirs sensuels.