108min - 35 mm - 1.85 - Color - Drama
Original language : Italian (French version available)
Emmanuelle Laborit
Philippe Noiret
Laura Morante
Bernard Giraudeau
Director: Roberto Faenza
Screenplay : Sandro Petraglia & Roberto Faenza
Image: Tonino Delli Colli
Editing: Roberto Perpignani
Music: Ennio Morricone, Franco Piersanti
Producers: Rita Cecchi Gori, Vittorio Cecchi Gori, Elda Ferri
Festivals & Awards
David Di Donatello Awards 1997 - Best Cinematography
a film by :Roberto Faenza
Sicily, first half of the 18th century. Marianna is deaf and dumb. She is locked in her own world full of sounds, rich in emotions, tensions, intelligence. She can feel every vibration of both people and things in the world around her. She is protected by her grand-mother and enfolded in the love of her desperate and taciturn mother. At the age of 13, she is forced to marry the old Duke Pietro. At the age of 16, she has already borne three children. As a young woman, her French tutor teaches her sign language, the pleasure of literature and the fire of the new philosophers and the new ideas. This education enables Marianna to become emancipated through culture and self-respect. Only counting on herself, Marianna will manage to break what seemed an inevitable destiny of repression and submission. All alone she discovers the terrible truth that has been covered up since her childhood.
L'histoire de Marianna, jeune noble de Palerme, sourde-muette, destinée comme ses sœurs au mariage ou à prendre le voile. Protégée par sa grand-mère, entourée de l'amour d'une mère taciturne, aimée de son grand-père, elle est forcée d'épouser à treize ans le vieux duc Pietro, son oncle. Mère de trois enfants, elle apprend le langage des signes avec l'aide d'un précepteur français. A la lecture des nouveaux philosophes, elle s'enflamme pour les grandes idées, lutte contre l'injustice et la misère et affirme sa féminité, son identité et sa sensualité.