Norway - France - Sweden
107 minutes - DCP - 16/9 - Color
Original language : English, Norwegian, Bulgarian
Ebba – Camilla Godø Krohn
Julian/Ivaylo – Radoslav Vladimirov
Andrea – Maya Amina Moustache Thuv
Iveta – Renata Aleksejunaite Christensen
The neighbour – Laila Goody
Director – Johanna Pyykkö
Screenplay – Johanna Pyykkö, Jørgen Færøy Flasnes
Music– Delphine Malaussena, Jakob Lindhagen
Image – Torbjørn Sundal Holen
Editing – Margrethe Vinnem, Brwa Vahabpour, Geir Ørnholt, Johanna Pyykkö
Sound – Johan Pram, Inger Elise Holm
Production – Dyveke Bjørkly Graver, Renée Hansen Mlodyszewski, OSLO PICTURES
French coproduction – Maud Berbille, BATHYSPHERE, MB17 FILMS

Ebba, a lonely 18-year-old woman, works in the harbor of Oslo. One night, she finds a beautiful man with a head injury on the ground and tries to help him. When she discovers that he has amnesia, she tricks him into believing they are lovers and builds a world for them based on lies. Little by little, Ebba finds out about his past life and that turns everything upside-down.
Ebba, jeune femme solitaire de 18 ans, travaille dans le port d’Oslo. Un soir, elle découvre à terre un homme d’une grande beauté, blessé à la tête. Se rendant compte qu’il est atteint d’amnésie, elle lui fait croire qu’ils sont amants et leur construit un univers bâti sur le mensonge. Mais progressivement, Ebba comprend que les pires tromperies ne viennent peut-être pas d’elle...