Nikita Mikhalkov

Films in our catalogue


Gombo, a young Mongolian shepherd, lives with his wife and family in a hut, deep in the wilderness of the steppes. Their quiet life of routine tasks, punctuated by the visits from a zany uncle, is in perfect harmony with nature. Sergei is a Russian contract (...)


1885. Jane Callahan, a young American woman, goes to Russia. During the train trip that leads her to this new world, she has to share her compartment with a group of childish and boisterous cadets. Among them is Andrei Tolstoï, a smart and impassionate (...)

Burnt by the sun

A long summer day in 1936. When Dimitri arrives at Maroussia's home, the young woman hasn't seen him for ten years. In the meantime, she has married Serguei Kotov and they have a daughter, Nadia. Dimitri now works for Stalin's political police. But why does (...)