76 minutes - DCP - 16/9 - Color
Original language : English, Arabic, French, Hebrew
Talleen Abu Hanna, Israela, Nadine, Danielle, Nathalie
Direction, screenplay, image – Yolande Zauberman
Editing – Rafael Torres Calderón, Léo Richard
Sound – Selim Nassib
Produce by Bruno Nahon & Yolande Zaube
Associate producer – Caroline Nataf, Thomas Morvan, Fabrice Bigio
Production : Unité, Phobics & Arte France Cinéma
Festivals & Awards
Cannes Film Festivak 2024 - Special Screening
DMZ International Documentary Film Festival
Rio de Janeiro IFF
Warsaw IFF
Gender Bender Festival
Denver IFF
Cork IFF
Seville European Film Festival
Piccolo Grande Cinema Festival
Festival du Film Européen de Porto Rico
International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam
Belgrade Auteur FF
Jewish FF Budapest
This Human World FF
TLV Fest - The Tel-Aviv International LGBTQ+ Film Festival 2024 – Honorable Mention Documentary Competition
French Film Festival UK

They were a fleeting vision in the night. I was told that one of them had walked from Gaza to Tel Aviv. In my head I called her The belle from Gaza.
Elles étaient une vision fugace dans la nuit. On m’a dit que l’une d'entre elles était venue à pied de Gaza à Tel-Aviv. Dans ma tête je l'ai appelée La Belle de Gaza.