80min - 35 mm - Scope - Color - Dolby SRD - Drama
Original language :French
François Damiens
Valérie Benguigui
Valentin Vigourt
Léopoldine Serre
Jean-Luc Bideau
Jocelyn Quivrin
Director: Axelle Ropert
Producers: Philippe Martin & David Thion
Production Company : Les Films Pelleas
Screenplay : Axelle Ropert
Director of photography : Céline Bozon
Editing : Emmanuelle Castro & Thomas Glaser
Festivals & Awards
2009 :
Cannes - Directors' Fortnight
French Cinema Now Festival in San Francisco
Hamburg IFF
Haifa IFF
Sao Paulo IFF
Castellinaria IFF
Estoril Film Festival UK
Jewish IFF in London
Gijon Film Festival
2010 :
French Film Fest in Copenhague
Festival du film Francophone in ATHÈNES
"Journées de la francophonie" Région autonome Vallée d'Aoste
Rendez-Vous with French Cinema in New York
Toronto Jewish Film Fest
Buenos Aires IFF (bafici)
San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
Base Film Festival
French Film Fest in Oslo
French Film Fest in Stockholm
2011 :
LICHTER Filmtage

He can make an amazing speech on American soul music to astounded school kids, meddle in the private life of his fellow citizens or even make his 18-year-old daughter swear that never, ever, will she leave the family home. This man’s name is Simon Wolberg, mayor of a small provincial town, madly in love with his wife, an invasive father and a provocative son! This man is driven by his obsession with his family. It causes him to put these bonds to the test, checking their strength and fragility…
Il est capable de faire un discours étonnant sur la soul américaine à des écoliers éberlués, de se mêler de la vie privée de ses concitoyens, ou encore de faire jurer à sa fille de 18 ans que jamais, au grand jamais, elle ne quittera la maison familiale. C’est Simon Wolberg, maire d’une petite ville de province, amoureux fou de sa femme, père envahissant et fils provocateur ! C’est l’obsession de la famille qui porte cet homme. Qui le pousse à mettre à l’épreuve ces liens, à en vérifier la force et la fragilité…