Yousry Nasrallah
Films in our catalogue
Brooks, meadows and lovely faces
Yehia is a chef who manages with his two sons, Refaat, a passionnate cook, and the womanizer Galal, a catering company for weddings and other celebrations. Karima, Yehia’s niece, is promised to Refaat, but Refaat loves Shadia, without knowing that Karima (...)
Cairo, today. Hebba, a television-speaker, presents a successful political talk show on a privately owned network. Karim, her husband, is deputy editor in chief of a government-owned newspaper. His ambition is to become editor in chief. He is led to believe (...)
Door To The Sun (The )
In the beginning was Palestine, just when the story of Younes' life began. Younes sometimes went under the name of Abou Salem, sometimes the Man and some other times Ibrahim's father. He fought the English Army at the age of 16 and was still fighting them, (...)
Né en 1952 au Caire, il est élève à l’école allemande du Caire avant d’entreprendre des études supérieures d’économie et de sciences politiques à l’université du Caire. En 1973, il entre à l’Institut de cinéma du Caire. En 1978, il part pour quatre ans au Liban et devient journaliste au quotidien As-Safir. A partir de 1980, il se tourne définitivement vers le cinéma. Il est assistant de production sur Le Faussaire de Volker Schlöndorff (tourné à Beyrouth en 1981), puis assistant réalisateur de Youssef Chahine sur La Mémoire. En 1985, il est co-scénariste et assistant réalisateur sur Adieu Bonaparte de Youssef Chahine. En 1987, il écrit et réalise son premier film, Vols d’été, coproduit par Youssef Chahine. Ce film obtient de très nombreux prix, il est considéré comme l’une des œuvres ayant le plus contribué au renouvellement du cinéma égyptien. En 1988-1990, il est co-scénariste et co-réalisateur d’Alexandrie encore et toujours de Youssef Chahine. Il co-réalise en 1991 Le Caire… vu par Youssef Chahine. Puis en 1993 il réalise Mercedes, film très remarqué par la critique. En 1994, il réalise deux court-métrages, Le Figurant et Une journée avec Youssef Chahine, pour l’émission “ Une journée particulière de cinéma ”, produite par Canal+. En 1995, il réalise un documentaire, A propos des garçons, des filles et du voile, qui reçoit de nombreux prix. En 1999, il réalise La Ville, co-produit par Arte, Prix spécial du jury au Festival de Locarno. En 2001 il écrit le scénario de La Porte du Soleil avec Elias Khoury, adapté du roman de ce dernier. Yousry Nasrallah was born in Cairo (Egypt) in 1952. He went to high school in Cairo's German School, then attended The University of Cairo where he majored in economics and political science. In 1973 he entered Cairo's Film Institute. In 1978 he left for Lebanon where he became a journalist and contributed to the film review As-Safir. In 1980 he decided to embrace a career in cinema. He became director's assistant in Volker Schlöndorff's "Circle of Deceit" (Die Fälschung) which was shot in Beirut in 1981. Then he was Youssef Chahine's production assistant in "La Mémoire" (The Memory). In 1987 he wrote and made his first film "Vols d'été" which was coproduced by Youssef Chahine. The picture garnered several awards and is regarded as one of the major films which contributed to the renewal of Egyptian cinema. Between 1988 and 1990 he was coscreenwriter and fellow filmmaker of Youssef Chahine's "Alexandrie encore et toujours.” In 1991 he made "Cairo...viewed by Youssef Chahine." In 1993 he helmed critically acclaimed "Mercedes.” One year later he went on to shoot two one-reeler films, "Le Figurant" and "Une journée with Youssef Chahine" for the TV broadcast "One Special Movie Day" produced by Canal+. In 1995 he made a documentary film "A propos des garçons, des filles et du voile" (About Boys, Girls and the Headscarf) which was awarded many prizes. In 1999 he made "La Ville" (The City) coproduced by Arte, and which won the special jury prize at the Locarno festival. In 2001 he wrote the screenplay of "La Porte du soleil" (The Door to the Sun - Bab El Shams) with Elias Khoury adapted from Khoury's novel itself.