80min - 35 mm / DCP - Color - Scope - Dolby SRD - Drama
Original language :French
Léa Seydoux (Prudence)
Anaïs Demoustier (Sonia)
Agathe Schlencker (Marilyne)
Johan Libereau (Franck)
Anna Sigalevitch (Frédérique)
Director: Rebecca Zlotowski
Producer : Frédéric Jouve
Production Company : LES FILMS VELVET
Co-producer : Frédéric Niedermayer
Co-production Company : MOBY DICK FILMS
Screenplay : Rebecca Zlotowski & Gaëlle Mace
Director of photography : George Lechaptois
Sound : Mathieu Descamps
Music : ROB
Editing : Julien Lacheray
Set : Antoine Platteau
Festivals & Awards
2010 :
Cannes IFF
Lima IFF
Zurich IFF
Vancouver IFF
Hoff IFF
Scanorama IFF France Odeon
Festival of Jewish Cinema Sydney & melbourne
French Cinepanorama in Hong Kong
2011 :
Febiofest New Directors
New Films at lincoln Center French Film Fest in Stockholm
French Speaking film Fest in Wien
Rendez-vous du cinéma français à Rome
Seattle IFF
Distrital IFF in Mexico
French Films Fest Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Les Percéides IFF
4+1 IFF (Bogota, Buenos Aires,Mexico,Madrid, Rio de Janeiro)
French Film fest in Copenhagen
a film by :Rebecca Zlotowski

Prudence Friedmann,17, is suddenly alone and adrift in the family apartment. She meets Marilyne, a high school misfit who introduces her to the illegal race circuit of Rungis where souped-up mopeds and muscle bikes race against each other, undaunted by danger. Fascinated by Reynald, Franck and the other guys from the Rungis clique, Prudence tries to find a place for herself by passing off her loneliness as freedom.
Prudence Friedman a 17 ans. Soudain livrée à elle‐même dans l’appartement familial, elle rencontre Marilyne, une frondeuse du lycée qui lui fait découvrir le circuit sauvage de Rungis, où tournent dangereusement grosses cylindrées et petites motos trafiquées. Fascinée par la bande du circuit, Reynald, Franck et les autres, Prudence tente d’y gagner sa place,en essayant de faire passer sa solitude pour de la liberté.