Egypt - France
122min - 35 mm - Color - 1.85 - Dolby SR - Drama
Original language :Arabic
Khaled SALEH (Hatem)
Mena SHALABY (Nour)
Youssef EL SHERIF (Sherif)
Hala SEDKY (Wedad)
Hala FAKHER (Bahi)
Director: Youssef Chahine
Producer : Gabriel Khoury & Jean Brehat
Co-production Company : 3B PRODUCTIONS
Screenplay : Nasser Abdel Rahman
Director of photography : Ramsis Marzouk
Sound : Mostafa Aly
Music : Yasser Abdel Rahman
Editing : Ghada Ezzedine
Festivals & Awards
2007 :
Venise IFF In competition
Toronto IFF
Vancouver IFF
London IFF
Kerala IFF
Sao Paulo IFF
Cancun IFF
2008 :
Mons Film Fest Miami IFF
Cleveland IFF
Febiofest Istanbul IFF
Vues d'Afrique FF
Washington DC IFF
Cine Del Sur Palm Spring IFF
Rotterdam IFF
Hong Kong IFF
Open Doek AfrikaFilm Fest in Leuven
OsianCinefan India
Liverpool Arab Film Fest
Bologna Arab Cinema Focus
2009 :
Arab Cultural Festival in Seoul
Festival de Cine Africano de Tarifa
Heya Fawda
a film by :Youssef Chahine & Khaled Youssef
Choubra, cosmopolitan neighbourhood of Cairo. Hatem, maggoty police officer, handles this neighbourhood with an iron hand. Every single citizen fears and hates him. Only Nour, a young woman he lusts after, dares stand up to him. But Nour is secretly in love with Cherif, brilliant and uncorrupted deputy public prosecutor. Green with envy, Hatem comes between. He wants Nour for himself. He whipsaws her and turns her life into a nightmare. The story of a frustrated love like Choubra experiences some since the mists of time.
Hatem policier véreux tient d'une main de fer Choubra, un quartier cosmopolite du Caire. Tous le craignent et le détestent. Seule Nour, jeune femme dont il convoite les faveurs, ose lui tenir tête. Mais celle-ci est secrètement amoureuse de Chérif, brillant et intègre substitut du procureur. Fou de jalousie, Hatem s'interpose. Il veut Nour pour lui seul. Il la harcèle et transforme sa vie en enfer. L'histoire d'un amour contrarié comme Choubra en connaît depuis la nuit des temps…Choubra, quartiere cosmopolita del Cairo. Hatem, poliziotto corrotto regna sul quartiere con pugno di ferro. Tutti gli abitanti lo temono e lo odiano. Solo Nour, giovane donna a cui fa la corte, osa tenergli testa. Ma Nour è segretamente innamorata di Cherif, brillante e incorruttibile sostituto procuratore. Pazzo di gelosia, Hatem s'interpone. Vuole Nour tutta per lui. La molesta e trasforma la sua vita in un inferno. La storia di un amore ostacolato, come Choubra ne conosce dalla notte dei tempi.