91min - 35mm / DCP - 1.85 - Color - Drama
Original language: French
Agathe Bonitzer
Reda Kateb
Hélène Filières
Noémie Lvovsky
Director: Frédéric Videau
Producer : Laetitia Fèvre
Production Company : Les Films Hatari
Co-producer : Michel Klein,Philippe Grivel
Co-production Company : Studio Orlando
Screenplay : Frédéric Videau
Director of photography : Marc Tévanian
Sound : François Méreù & Emmanuel Croset
Music : Florent Marchet
Editing : François Quiqueré
Costumes : Laurence Struz
Set : Catherine Mañanes
Festivals & Awards
2012 :
Berlin - Official Selection - In Competition
Berlinale - Prize of the guild of German art house cinemas
Linea d'Ombra IFF
French Film Festival in Stockholm
Seattle IFF - New Horizons IFF
Espoo Ciné IFF
Athens IFF
Ghent IFF
Französische Filmtage in Tübingen & Stuttgart
Tallin Black Night Just Films

Gaëlle is suddenly released by her kidnapper Vincent, after eight years of captivity during which they had been "everything" to each other. Just as she had to earn her freedom day-by-day against him, she has to do so again, now facing her parents and a world she is only just discovering.
Gaëlle est soudain libérée par Vincent, son ravisseur, après huit années d’enfermement, où chacun a été « tout » pour l’autre. Cette liberté gagnée jour après jour contre Vincent, Gaëlle doit à nouveau se l’approprier dehors, face à ses parents et au monde qu’elle découvre.