France - Brazil
107min - Video - Color - Documentary
Original language: Portuguese
Director: Flavia Castro
Production companies: Les Films du Poisson (France), Tambellini Filmes (Brazil)
Festivals & Awards
Gramado Film Festival (Brazil) : Critics' Prize (Best Film) / Student Jury Prize (Best Film)
Rio de Janeiro Film Festival: Fipresci Prize / Prize for Best Documentary
Festival Biarritz Amérique Latine: Best Documentary
Mostra Internationale de Sao Paulo

In DIARIO DE UMA BUSCA (DIARY, LETTERS, REVOLUTIONS), the director tells the story of her father. Brazilian activist Celso Castro, whose life was intertwined with the political struggles that shattered Latin America starting in the 1960s. His life was a combination of repeated exiles and political activism, from the enthusiasm and hope of his youth until the disillusion of his final years. He died tragically at age 41, in the apartment of an ex-Nazi he was perhaps investigating on. A two-part film, featuring a childhood lived in exile, crossed by the father’s letters…
4 octobre 1984 Porto Alegre, Brésil. Celso Castro, journaliste et ancien militant Trotskiste, est retrouvé mort par balles, chez un homme soupçonné de faire partie d’un réseau d’ex-nazis. Suicide, assassinat, accident ? 20 ans plus tard, sa fille Flavia tente de reconstituer l’histoire de son père.