99min - 35 mm/DCP - Scope - Color - Dolby SRD - Drama
Original language :French, Arabic
Tahar Rahim
Michael Lonsdale
Mahmoud Shalaby
Lubna Azabal
Christopher Buchholz
Director: Ismaël Ferroukhi
Producer : Fabienne Vonier
Co-production Company : SOLAIRE PRODUCTION / VMP / France 3 Cinéma
Screenplay : Ismaël Ferroukhi, Alain-Michel Blanc
Director of photography : Jérôme Alméras A.F.C
Sound : Jean-Paul Mugel, Séverin Favriau, Stéphane Thiébaud
Music : Armand Amar
Editing : Annette Dutertre
Festivals & Awards
2011 :
Cannes - Special Screening
Toronto - Contemporary World Cinema
Festival du Film Français d'Helvétie
Haifa IFF
Abu Dhabi - Best Director from the Arab world
Jewish IFF in Amsterdam
Tubingen French Film Fest
Cinemania in Montreal
Vienna Jewish IFF
Prague French Film
Fest MedFilm festival
2012 :
FAJR IFF first and 2nd film competition Best Film Best Director
Santa Barbara IFF Best International Film Award
Australian French Film Festival (tour)
Israël French Film Festival (tour)
CinemAfrica IFF in Stockholm
Film From South in Oslo
Semaine du Film Francophone Abu Dhabi / Dubai
Bucarest Jewish Film Fest
Zagreb Jewish Film Fest Festival
Without Borders Franco-Arabian Film Fest in Jordania
Osian's Cinefan Festival of Asian and Arab Cinema in New Delhi

1942, in German-occupied Paris. Younes, a young unemployed Algerian, earns his living as a black marketeer. Arrested by the French police, Younes agrees to spy on the Paris Mosque. The police suspects indeed the Mosque authorities, among which Si Kaddour Ben Ghabrit, its Rector, of helping Resistance fighters and Jews by giving them false certificates. At the Mosque, Younes meets the Algerian singer Salim Halali. Younes is moved by Salim’s beautiful voice and strong personality and they become friends. Soon after, he discovers that Salim is Jewish. In spite of the risks it entails, Younes stops collaborating with the police. Confronted by this barbarism, Younes gradually develops from being a politically ignorant immigrant worker into a fully-fledged freedom fighter.
1942, Paris est occupée par les Allemands. Younes, un jeune émigré algérien, vit du marché noir. Arrêté par la police française, Younes accepte d’espionner pour leur compte à la Mosquée de Paris. La police soupçonne en effet les responsables de la Mosquée, dont le Recteur, Si Kaddour Ben Ghabrit, de délivrer de faux-papiers à des Juifs et à des résistants. A la mosquée, Younes rencontre le chanteur d’origine algérienne Salim Halali. Touché par sa voix et sa personnalité, Younes se lie d’amitié avec lui. Il découvre rapidement que Salim est juif. Malgré les risques encourus, Younes met alors un terme à sa collaboration avec la police. Face à la barbarie qui l’entoure, Younes, l’ouvrier immigré et sans éducation politique, se métamorphose progressivement en militant de la liberté.