France - Morocco
108min - 35 mm/DCP - 1.85 - Color - Dolby SRD - Drama
Original language :French & Arabic
Nicolas CAZALE
Mohamed MAJD
Director: Ismaël Ferroukhi
Producer : Humbert Balsan
Production Company : OGNON PICTURES
Screenplay : Ismaël Ferroukhi
Director of photography : Katell Djian
Sound : Xavier Griette
Music : Fowzi Guerdjou
Editing : Tina Baz
Festivals & Awards
2004 :
Venice - Golden Lion Best First Film
Toronto Film Festival
Namur Film Festival - Special Jury Prize of Main Competition Junior Jury Awards : Best film First Film Competition : Best first film
Dubai Film Fest Opening Film
Marrakech Film Fest
Mar Del Plata Film Fest Best Film Best actor : M. Majd
Roterdam FF
Goteborg FF
Sofia FF
Mardel Plata FF Best Film Best actor Argentinian critic's prize
New Directors / New Films (Usa)
Crossing Europe FF in Vienna
Buenos Aires FF
Karlovy Vary FF
Jerusalem FF
New Horizon FF
Sarajevo FF
Bangkok World FF
Cape Town FF
Jakarta FF
Mostra de Valencia
Palmera de Plata (2nd prize) Best actors : Nicolas Cazale & Mohamed Majd
2006 :
Wellington FF
Durban FF
Beirut DC IFF
Cinemafrica IFF (Sweden)
a film by :Ismaël Ferroukhi

A few weeks before his college entrance exams, Reda, a young man who lives in the south of France, finds himself forced to drive his father to Mecca. From the start, the journey looks to be difficult. Reda and his father have nothing in common. Talk is reduced to the strict minimum. Reda wants to experience this trip in his own way. His father demands respect for himself and the meaning of this pilgrimage. As they drive through different countries and meet various people, Reda and his father observe each other warily. How can they create a relationship when communication is impossible? From the south of France, through Italy, Serbia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan to Saudi Arabia, their road is 3,000 miles long.
A quelques semaines du bac, Réda, un lycéen d'une vingtaine d'années qui vit en Provence, est contraint de conduire son père en voiture jusqu'à La Mecque. Dès le départ, le voyage s'annonce difficile. Tout sépare Réda et son père. Leur communication est réduite au minimum. Réda veut vivre ce voyage comme il l'entend. Son père, lui, entend bien être respecté et ne pas s'écarter du sens de son pèlerinage. Au fil des rencontres et des pays traversés, Réda et son père vont s'observer sans jamais se faire confiance. Comment faire exister une relation où l'échange est impossible ? Du sud de la France à l’Italie, de la Serbie à la Turquie, de la Syrie jusqu’à la Jordanie et l’Arabie Saoudite, il reste 5000 kilomètres à parcourir.