87min - Video - 1.66 - Color - Documentary
Original language : French
Director: Alain Cavalier
Festivals & Awards
a film by :Alain Cavalier
If I get along well with someone, if I’m attracted to what that person does, then I have an annoying tendency to desire to fi lm that person. I get rejected or not. It sometimes happens that one has a change of heart after sayingyes. The shoot can last years or simply an afternoon. So I stock a lot of fi lms that I edit, that I abandon or eventually take up again. And then, simple pleasure in the middle of disorder, four fi lms come together merely to form one. Without any of the persons who make up the ensemble ever meeting.
Alain Cavalier a filmé quatre de ses amis, qui lui parlent de leur métier et de leur vie: un chirurgien spécialiste des yeux, qui fait sa dernière opération; un sculpteur, qui affronte la caméra à chaque oeuvre achevée; un boucher, qui éprouve le sentiment du devoir accompli; une femme, qui fut pendant deux ans l'assistante d'Orson Welles.