73min - 35mm - 1.85 - Color - Comedy drama
Original language: French
Alain Cavalier
Françoise Widoff
Florence Malraux
Director: Alain Cavalier
Script: Alain Cavalier
Image: Alain Cavalier
Editing: Alain Cavalier
Production: Les Films de l'Astrophore
Festivals & Awards
2008 :
Montreal - Official Selection
AFI In Competition
Author FF
Belgrade Dubai IFF
Istanbul Meeting of Cinema & History
2009 :
Berlin - Generation Kplus
Cinefranco Toronto
Zlin Children & Youth IFF
Noor Film Fest LA - Best Film - Best actress for Roya Nownahali
Monaco Charity Film Festival Best Actress Award for Mobina Ayenedar
Chungmoro IFF
Beirut Intl Film Festival
Arab Film Festival
San Francisco Sun Valley Film Festival
Rehoboth Beach Film Festival
Kinderfilmfest in Wien
2010 :
Festival of Films from Iran in Boston
Festival of Films from Iran in D.C.
2011 :
Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival
a film by :Alain Cavalier
A man meets a woman. He starts to fi lm her to keep a record of their experience together. It happens that this man is a filmmaker. After a few months, disturbed, he realizes he is making a film. He hesitates to put an end to it but both decide to carry on, within the limits of a certain intimacy. Is it only possible?
Un cinéaste rencontre une femme. Par petites touches, il filme avec sa caméra vidéo des moments de leur vie, des objets, des lieux, puis se rend compte qu'il ne stocke pas des souvenirs mais qu'il construit un film. Il demande à la personne l'autorisation de continuer. Après un an de tournage, 75 minutes de vidéo racontent l'histoire d'un lien tissé dans le quotidien et sublimé par le sentiment.