88min - 35 mm - Color - 1.66 - Dolby SR - Feature
Original language : French
Kad Merad
Elsa Zylberstein
Claude Brasseur
Patrick Chesnais
Director: Michel Leclerc
Producer : Agnès Vallée & Emmanuel Barraux
Production Company : 31JUIN FILMS
Co-producer : Fabienne Vonier
Co-production Company : PYRAMIDE PRODUCTIONS
Screenplay : Michel Leclerc
Director of photography : Pasacal Lagriffoul
Music : Jérôme Bensoussan
Editing : Michel Klochendler & Axelle Malaveille
Festivals & Awards
2006 :
Chicago IFF
Tursak Comedy FF (Turkey)
2007 :
Cinefranco French FF (Toronto)
Greenwich French Film Fest (USA)
Jakarta French Film Fest
Handy Man
a film by :Michel Leclerc
Paul has no goal in life, and Mathilde, who provides for their household needs, is desperate that he gets a job. If he goes on like this she will end up by dropping him. So Paul says to himself that he’ll invent something. Something that will give him a goal in life, an idea that will bring him fame and money without tiring himself out too much and that will relight Mathilde’s love for him. This is how he ends up by inventing the ‘handy’, a simple but brilliant idea.
Paul n’a pas de but précis dans la vie, et Mathilde, qui subvient aux besoins de leur ménage, désespère qu’il puisse en trouver un. S’il continue comme cela, elle risque bien de le planter là. Alors Paul se dit qu’il doit inventer un truc. Un truc qui lui donnera un but dans la vie, une idée qui lui apportera gloire et argent sans trop se fatiguer et qui redonnera à Mathilde le goût de l’aimer. C’est ainsi qu’il invente la poignette, idée simple mais géniale…