85min - 35 mm - 1.85 - Color - Dolby SRD - Drama
Original language : French
Director: Catherine Corsini
Producer : Fabienne Vonier
Co-producer : Michel Seydoux
Co-production Company : Camera One / Vmp With the participation of Canal + and Cinécinéma In association with Cofinova With the support of La Région Languedoc-Roussillon In partneship with Le Centre National de la Cinématographie
Screenplay : Catherine Corsini with the collaboration of Gaëlle Macé
Director of photography : Agnès Godard
Editing : Simon Jacquet
Festivals & Awards
2009 :
Toronto IFF - Special presentation
Haifa IFF
Sevilla European Film Fest
2010 :
French Film Festival in Japan
Hong kong Summer IFF
Cinemania in Montreal

Suzanne is about forty years old, a doctor’s wife and mother of two teenagers living in the south of France. Her idle bourgeois lifestyle gets her down and she decides to go back to work as a physiotherapist, a job she trained for but quit in order to bring up her children. Her husband agrees to fix up a consulting room for her in their backyard. The man in charge of the building work is Ivan, an odd job man who has been to prison. When he and Suzanne meet, the mutual attraction is sudden and violent. Suzanne decides to give up everything and live this all-engulfing passion to the full.
Suzanne a la quarantaine. Femme de médecin et mère de famille, elle habite dans le sud de la France, mais l’oisiveté bourgeoise de cette vie lui pèse. Elle décide de reprendre son travail de kinésithérapeute qu’elle avait abandonné pour élever ses enfants, et convainc son mari de l’aider à installer un cabinet. A l’occasion des travaux, elle fait la rencontre d’Ivan, un ouvrier en charge du chantier qui a toujours vécu de petits boulots et qui a fait de la prison. Leur attraction mutuelle est immédiate et violente et Suzanne décide de tout quitter pour vivre cette passion dévorante.