100min - 35mm - 1.85 - Color - Drama comedy
Original language : French
Brigitte Roüan
Boris Terral
Nils Tavernier
Patrick Chesnais
Françoise Arnoul
Director: Brigitte Roüan
Screenplay : Brigitte Roüan, Santiago Amigorena, Guy Zylberstein, Jean-Louis Richard, Philippe Le Gay
Image: Pierre Dupouey
Producer: Humbert Balsan (Ognon Pictures)
Festivals & Awards
Cannes 1997
Official Selection - Un Certain Regard (Closing)
European Awards - Best Actress nomination (Brigitte Roüan)
Post coitum, animal triste
a film by :Brigitte Roüan

Diane loves her husband tenderly. An ideal housewife, she is naturally an attentive and caring mother. In addition to her happy wedded life she has a fulfilling job working in a publishing house. She lives in Paris. Life is good for her. Then one day she meets Emilio, a young hydraulics worker. Young, handsome and just passing through town, he is working for a humanitarian organization. Suddenly Diane's life is turned upside down. A new passion for Emilio has awakened in her and she is willing to take all the risks. A new life is about to begin for her.
Diane aime son mari tendrement, ses enfants naturellement et son travail (dans une petite maison d'édition) passionnément. Elle vit à Paris. Elle a tiré le bon ticket. Jusqu'au jour où lui tombe littéralement dans les yeux Emilio, un jeune hydraulicien, " jeune, beau et de passage ", qui travaille pour une organisation humanitaire. Diane sort de la tranchée et prend tous les risques de l'amour fou. Elle pense sincérement que la deuxième mi-temps de sa vie commence.