Serge Bozon

Films in our catalogue


Autumn 1917. Far off, war is raging. Miles from the fighting, Camille, a young woman, leads a life marked out by the news that her husband sends from the front. But one day she receives a note ending their relationship. Distraught and determined to stop at (...)


Serge Bozon a réalisé des films (dont Mods, moyen-métrage sorti en 2003, Prix Léo Scheer au festival de Belfort et sélectionné dans une trentaine de festivals internationaux dont Locarno), écrit des textes sur des films (dans La Lettre du Cinéma, Trafic, Vertigo, etc.) et joué dans des films (de Jean-Claude Guiguet, Jean-Paul Civeyrac, Sandrine Rinaldi, Pierre Léon, Axelle Ropert, Jean-Charles Fitoussi, Judith Cahen, etc.). Serge Bozon has directed films (including Mods, a medium-length film released in 2003, Prix Léo Scheer at the Belfort Festival and selected for around thirty international festivals, including Locarno), written about the cinema (in La Lettre du Cinéma, Trafic, Vertigo, etc.) and acted in films (by Jean-Claude Guiguet, Jean-Paul Civeyrac, Sandrine Rinaldi, Pierre Léon, Axelle Ropert, Jean-Charles Fitoussi, Judith Cahen, etc.).